Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let Fall begin!!

We officially started the Fall season by going to the apple orchard on Sunday. Unfortunately the orchard we go to every year was t letting people pick their own because of the bad crop they had, but we were able to find another orchard that worked out wonderfully!

Another small change this year was that we weren't allowed to eat the apples while picking them (because of Cooper's loose , but hopefully tightening, front teeth). That was quite challenging since the boys were used to getting all sticky eating the big apples. Thankfully Daddy brought a knife to cut the apples up for us to eat on.

We ended up getting 2 1/2 bushels of apples.....tons of applesauce and apple butter to be made!!!!

By the way, the pictures that look like the boys are taking a bite, is them acting......such good actors!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cooper and Love

We invited Aunt Faith and the kids over to the pool last Thursday. Thankfully our pool is heated and it wasn't to cold. It was a good day. Isaac has finally acclimated to the water and Hope and the boys love finding new things to do in the water.

Anyway, as we were packing up and getting everything gathered I kept hearing Cooper call for Hopey: "Hopey, Hopey, Hopey!!". She finally stopped what she was doing and turned to him and he said:

"Goodbye Hopey, I love you"..... I turned quickly to make sure there was no kiss to follow (don't worry Uncle Brian, there wasn't). Faith and I couldn't believe what had just happened. Usually Cooper has to be prodded repeatedly to go say goodbye to someone! It really did catch us off guard.

That is the first time Cooper has told someone that isn't family that he loves them......pretty "major" to us.

Anyway, I just thought I should record that one.

By the way, here is a pic of Hopey for those of you that haven't met her.

Monday, September 3, 2012

One tired Carson!!!!

4 days with no nap, not going to bed until 10:30 or later and 6 hours at the beach leads to.....

Carson eating cheese in his sleep!!!!! Now THAT is multitasking!!