Monday, January 10, 2011

Thank You!

So, in June of 2010 Chris and I received some test results that said I had the beginning stages of cervical cancer.....yes, the dreaded "c" word. It took us by surprise and made us stop and evaluate some parts of our lives. Personally, it brought me to my knees and rely on the only one that could make this "result" go away.

The doctor said that we had a choice to make and after much prayer Chris and I decided to do the wait and see approach. The doctor gave me a deadline of 6 months and then we would retest and establish a treatment. She said with my age (no, I'm not that old) there wasn't much hope of my immune system killing off the cancer cells on it's own.

We chose not to share this with many people because we knew it was in God's hands and didn't want others to worry.

I am fortunate to report and share that God still does intervene and do miracles (in case anyone wasn't sure). The doctor called me this morning with the results of testing that was done last week and she said there is no sign of any cancer cells and everything looks completely normal!!

So, THANK YOU God for being with Chris and me on this journey, reminding me that I CAN lean on you and trust that you will always be there for me, and answering our prayers.

1 comment:

Stephanie Rawlins said...

Praise God! That is awesome news!!!