Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have always been a rollercoaster fan, BUT.....

Okay, so it is 1:30pm and I am I AM READY TO GET OFF OF THIS ROLLERCOASTER RIDE!!!!!

1.  The day started off with me opening the boy's door to find Cooper had taken all of his clothes off (pajamas and onsie) and had thrown everything out of the bed, sorry no picture to show......entering the rollercoaster and it started taking off...not too bad.

2.    Carson decides to get his vacuum out and the duster that spins around and starts to clean the house......this is a major high, who wouldn't love this one.

3.  After breakfast, the boys listen to music and decide to hold hands and start dancing around the 'freshly cleaned' kitchen floor........another definite high and delight to watch.

4.  After playing for a while we leave to go to the gym and after 20 minutes of working out, I got paged to the Kids Club.  This happens every once in a while because Cooper gets a dirty diaper and needs changed.  I go into the room to see one of the girls holding Cooper and his face looking like the picture below.......I'm sure your with me when I say this was an EXTREME LOW!!!!

5.  A quick call to the doctor on whether to go to her or the emergency room, visit to the Doc's office, cleaning and liquid stiches and we were on our way home......or so we thought.  (By the way, Carson was an absolute perfect child this entire time.  He sat in the chair at the doctor's office with his legs crossed Indian style and watch everything going on.)

6.  I pull into the driveway, look in my rearview mirror and see that Cooper has proceeded to pull of the bandages the doctor put on his face (including the 2 sterilyte, butterfly, bandages he put on the deeper cut under his eye). 

7.  A quick call to the doctor, visit the Doc's office again, cleaning and redoing the dressing and on our way home again.

8  Chris waiting for us when we get home.....a much appreciated high after everything that has gone on.


BTW:  Cooper was such a tough guy with all of this.  He stopped crying when I went and got him in the Kids Club and didn't even fuss or fight when the doctor was cleaning his face and putting all of the stuff on it.  We are once again reminded of how blessed we are with our boys and how God has them both covered with his hedge of protection.  It could have all been much worse (less than an inch higher and it would have been his eye) and we are thankful for things playing out the way they did.

1 comment:

Karleen said...

I'm so sorry this happened. However, better you to be with them than stay much more calm. Healing and protection will be at the top of our prayer list today. Thank God (literally) it wasn't worse. Thanks for keeping us posted.