Thursday, November 11, 2010

Big Boy Beds

Again, a little late, but the boys did the big transition of leaving their cribs the beginning of August this year. We have had so many changes (leaving baby stages and going to boy stages) that it has been entirely too hard to keep up.

As usual, the boys made this transition with flying colors. I am pretty sure it was harder for me than it was for them.

I was wanting to get one last shot of Carson sleeping in his bed, so he laid down and pretended he was sleeping.

Of course, the first thing Cooper noticed were the car rugs....they were a big hit!

These beds now swallow them whole!! This is Cooper, by the way.

And this is Carson. Their stuffed animals take up more space in their beds than they do.

And, last but not least, this was the one hurdle we had to "nip in the butt". There was a week where I kept finding Cooper asleep in the chair during naptime. By the way, the blanket on the chair is the bedding Chris had when he was a little boy.

1 comment:

Aunt Karleen said...

Once again, you both have outdone yourselves. I love their rooms and they seem to as well. Thanks for being such great parents to my boys. They are such a beautiful and incredible gift from God and I am so blessed to be a part of their precious lives. I loves those boys so much. I can't wait for Thanksgiving to get here. We're going to have so much fun!!!